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Surry County, Virginia


A Day on the Farm

We were visiting Jamestown, Virginia when we heard from some locals that we had to take the ferry across the James River to Surry County to see some of the farms on the other side of the river. It was summer, and we had plenty of time to spare, so we figured, "Why not? The ferry sounds like fun."



Nottoway Tribal Powwow

You are Invited.

When Englishmen arrived to settle Virginia in 1607, they found an extensive network of native people already here. Four hundred years later, the Nottoway Indian Tribe of Virginia commemorates the culture that had defined and sustained their community well before John Smith stepped ashore.


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Combine Your Love of History and the Outdoors in Surry County, Virginia

Although Williamsburg and Jamestown are internationally recognized for their historic sites, nearby Surry County, offers a combination of history and several outdoor activities you don't want to miss. Uncrowded spaces in Surry are a great antidote to the hustle and bustle found on the other side of the James River and an excellent opportunity to step back in time and into nature. 


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